Monday 1 June 2009

How a great manager can become a great leader

Ok, you have a great grip on detail, you delegate well, your task definitions are models of clarity, and no-one, but no-one, can divert you from your goals. You’re a great Manager.

But there’s this thing called Leadership. Can I be good at that as well ? The answer is Yes: but you need to accept that Leadership is completely different from Management.

Great Leaders have four characteristics:

Clarity: their Elevator Pitch is better than anyone’s. As General Colin Powell said: "...they cut through argument, debate, and doubt and offer a solution everyone can understand." 

Focus: there’s no time wasting or prevarication. As Peter Drucker said: “Focus: 1. What to do. 2. How to do it. 3. Do it.”

Self-knowledge and integrity: they know themselves and their cause: following a great leader is often a spiritual experience, more like a moral crusade

Bravery: great leaders take difficult decisions, and take them early - there’s no-one with more belief and courage

Above all, leadership isn’t measurable: your task is to get everyone working seriously on their stuff, motivated and happy. No small challenge, but no-one ever said it was going to be easy !

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