Wednesday 22 July 2009

How to inspire a positive mood – in yourself and others !

It’s hard to be on top form every day. But as a Leader it's your job to get yourself – and everyone around you – to that 10/10 feeling that'is essential for top performance.

So if you feel your mood needs a lift, here's what to do.....actively, consciously break the pattern: don’t just sit there ! Do something different to pro-actively lift your mood …

Ideas to get yourself to a 10….
Rewrite your ToDo List, put the kettle on, have a fag, eat some chocolate, tell a joke, get momentum by doing an easy thing first, get momentum by doing a hard thing, go for a short walk, ask “What would the best manager in the world do right now ?”

Ideas to get others to a 10….
Compliment them (“….been meaning to mention how well you….” Then “How’s project X going ?”), involve them in problem definition, break the pattern (go outside, move to the canteen), introduce a game or competition (“who can define the most options ? and buy the winner lunch), ask people to run five minute courses on their specialist topics.

Whatever you do, sieze the moment !

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