Wednesday 13 April 2011

How to find at least another hour every day

There’s nothing new in the world: Peter Drucker in 1967 recommended that you should “…reserve large blocks of time on your calendar, don’t answer the phone, and return calls in short bursts once or twice a day.”

I recently turned off remote email access on my iPhone. It's as if I have another hour every day. Why ?

  1. Rather like not missing TV when you're on holiday, you just don't miss your email when it's not available. It means your attention is not fragmented, and you can focus 100% and be fully engaged with the moment.
  2. Reading email on the phone was pointless: only very rarely did I reply to it remotely, but waited till I was in front of a proper why process messages twice ? And if anyone wants me urgently, then text or phone call is much, much better in all cases.
  3. And above all this, I found I was becoming hooked on checking it, simply because I could. I am much happier now I've taken back control of my behaviour.

Go on, try it, what's the worst that could happen ? It won't hurt, I promise. You'll have more time, and be happier too. How many pieces of free advice can deliver that so easily ?

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