Wednesday 8 July 2009

How to give bad news - and be thanked for it !

It’s unavoidable, there are times in business when things aren’t going well, when we need to deliver not-so-good feedback, or full-on bad news to people about what they’re doing, or how they do it. The subject may be difficult enough, but in some cases the people aren’t easy communicators either.

So here’s a simple formula for delivering negative feedback in a way that never causes offence. You say:

“What’s working for me right now is…..”
“What’s not working for me right now is….”
“What’s missing for me right now is….”

It’s critically important that you include the words “for me…”: if you don’t, you’re just saying What’s not working, which is invites discussion and argument about your judgement. But saying “…for me…” isn’t something they can argue with. And saying “What’s missing for me right now….” is the most positive possible way to invite them to suggest improvements.

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