Sunday 19 July 2009

How to run the Perfect Kick Off Meeting

They just come round too often: quarterly and yearly Kick Off meetings. What to say this time ? In 30 years I’ve been to many hundreds of KOs. Here’s a long list of possible topics: keep roughly to this order and you won’t go wrong….

· Our market:
o definitions of technologies and markets and why we exist
o vision of industry and wide perspective
o market research/industry trends

· Last Year:
o How did we start ? issues/Critical Success factors/plans
o What was our product fit and strategy ?
o What were the expectations ? up/downsides ?
o What was our approach ? what we did/who did it
o Numbers/highlights
o Prizes – recognition for top performers/contributors and jokes/wooden spoons for idiots
o Conclusions on last year/period

· This Year
o Where are we now ? Any new factors/issues/technologies/opportunities
o New products and services overview
o New strategy ? What’s the big story ?
o What do we have to do ?
o What’s the new Plan: who/what/when, activities and performance expected

· Reaffirm Mission of company
o Critical Success Factors
o Why this is a good business to be in
o We are part of the future of the industry (link back to the start)

And the best Kick Off line of all……the bar is now open!

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